Wish I Had My Camera!

Where I sit at work overlooks our car park where there are trees full of plump red berries and over the past couple of days, I have been treated to a great spectacle of birds feasting on the berries!  If only I had my proper camera with me as I would have got some great pictures of them!

Yesterday there was a bunch of Goldfinch on two trees and there must have been about 8 of them and today I have seen 7 male Blackbirds and 1 Mistle Thrush having a good feed (along with the usual Pigeons that we have here!).

Goldfinch, Copyright RSPB
Goldfinch, Copyright RSPB

Why is it that when you don’t have your camera with you, or are unable to take photographs, you see all these birds and in great views! Grrrrr! 😉

I think this is the first time that I have ever seen a Mistle Thrush as well but it was unmistakably different to the normal Song Thrush as it was much bigger and bolder and much whiter than brown with black spots on its breast. You can see this from the images below from the RSPB website.

Mistle Thrush, Copyright RSPB
Mistle Thrush, Copyright RSPB
Song Thrush, Copyright RSPB
Song Thrush, Copyright RSPB

It was also perched atop the tree, eating the berries, which is what a Mistle Thrush tends to do, so what I saw fit the profile exactly. It also wasn’t bothered by the numerous Blackbirds either! It does have a rather amusing Latin name of ‘Turdus viscivorus’ which should be easily remembered! haha

Hopefully next time I see these birds, I will have my camera with me!

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