Finally, I saw my first Swallows of the year yesterday. They appeared in a place I wasn’t expecting them either!
My wife picked me up to go out for lunch in the car and we drove down to a place near Marsh Mills, in Plymouth, where you can park up along the River Plym. As soon as we got there and parked up I noticed straight away that there were several Swallows flying around and picking off insects from just above the river. Some were even dipping in the water and causing splashes! It was a lovely sight, but typically, as soon as we got our phones out to film them, they disappeared.
Anyway, at least we saw our first Swallows of the year, albeit, a lot lately than normal!
Here is where we saw them. It was at the same place that I have blogged about before when we saw the GreyĀ Wagtail and Dipper.